Over Half Of Remote Workers Are Wasting Time Due To Tech Challenges

Frustrated business woman deals with tech challenges on her laptop.

Written by: Jay H.

Technology issues are loathsome, especially in the workplace. Slow internet, printer malfunctions, and email troubles are just some frustrations workers deal with daily. As the number of remote and hybrid workers continues to grow, these tech challenges are escalating as well.

To examine the impact of inadequate tech in the remote workplace, Office Depot surveyed over 1,000 American workers. Of those surveyed, remote workers made up the largest contingent (44%), followed by hybrid workers (37%), then on-site workers (19%). The respondents told Office Depot about their technology situation – what tech they need, whether their employers pay for it, what issues they face the most, and how their habits impact their productivity and happiness.

The respondents indicated that they mostly worked from laptops, desktops, and smartphones, occasionally with a second monitor. Except for smartphones, employers more frequently paid for these devices. However, the financial burden for smartphones, e-readers, tablets, and headphones mostly fell on the employee, even when used for work.

When asked if they had to upgrade their personal internet to accommodate their workload, over a quarter (27.5%) said yes, at their own cost. Furthermore, 7.9% reported that their internet connection was slower than they needed for their workday.

When asked about the likelihood of their employer reimbursing their tech expenses, 38.2% responded that repayment was not at all likely. In fact, only 29.6% said compensation was extremely or very likely. Overall, most felt that new tech would have to be acquired on their own dime.

Tech Frustrations Impacting Remote Workforce

Next, Office Depot wanted to find out how tech frustrations impacted peoples’ lives profusely, including their sense of support, job satisfaction, or desire to seek new employment. Only one-fifth of respondents reported that their company would support them when troubleshooting technology issues. Furthermore, those who experienced frequent tech challenges were significantly more likely to be interested in seeking a new job. In fact, a whopping 92% of those who experienced frequent tech frustrations were interested in seeking a new job. It is worth noting that technology frustration can come on quickly – research shows that many people will only wait two seconds for a new page to load. Evidently, tech challenges activity contribute to employees’ desires to leave their jobs.

Tech frustrations also significantly impacted job satisfaction and productivity. Sixty-one percent of hybrid workers reported wasting an hour or more per week due to tech issues, and 48% of remote workers said the same. These challenges led to burnout, lower job satisfaction, and, ultimately, a new job.

Get Your Workforce The Tech Support It Needs

This research makes it clear that technology challenges significantly impact the workforce. Are you equipping your team with the tools they need to succeed?

We can help resolve the ongoing tech issues your employees face daily. With our remote IT support services, we provide a quick resolution to tech troubles. We can fix 80-90% of technology issues remotely, saving you and your employees time and money. Contact us today to learn more about how our remote tech support can relieve your tech burden.

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