How To Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

Blue Wi-Fi connection signal.

Written by: Jay H.

Your router is your gateway to the Internet, and vulnerabilities can allow others to access your network and data. Whether it be piggybackers (people who mooch your Wi-Fi) or nefarious hackers, you want to keep your Wi-Fi safe and secure. Learn how to secure your Wi-Fi network with these simple steps.

1. Change the wireless password

The first thing you should do to secure your Wi-Fi is change your password. Your router likely came with a default password, which is easy for hackers to crack. Ensure that you don’t only change it from the default password but also make it strong and unique! To do this, use a conjunction of capitalized and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, and the longer you make it, the better. Around twenty characters is a decent ballpark.

2. Change the name of the default network

Make sure to give your Wi-Fi network a different name (SSID) from the default one assigned by the manufacturer. By doing this, it is harder for hackers to know the manufacturer of your router, as they will try to exploit any vulnerabilities they are aware that the router has. Also, make sure your network’s name doesn’t contain personal information that makes it easy to tell which one is yours amongst your neighbours’.

2. Keep the firmware up to date

Your router’s software receives updates just like your phone or computer does. While some modern routers update themselves, you should make sure yours is up to date. With these patches, you receive bug fixes and security updates, protecting you from hackers looking to take advantage of vulnerabilities.

You should be able to find your router’s firmware settings within your router’s control panel. If you don’t know how to see this, inquire within your router’s manual or try googling the router’s model.

3. Create a guest network

Visitors at your home or office are likely to ask for the Wi-Fi password. For these instances, having a separate guest network is a smart idea. This feature allows them to access the internet without connecting to your personal networks. Although it is unlikely that your visitors are hackers looking to steal your information, a guest network adds security. Most modern routers can simultaneously run both your personal and guest networks without buying an additional access point.

4. Change your router’s admin credentials

Anyone with a device connected to the network can access your router. Typically, the default username and password are the same for every device from the manufacturer. That means that the default credentials are likely just a google search away. If someone gets into the router’s console, they could change any setting and lock you out. So, find where to change the password in the router’s settings and follow the previously discussed strong password guidelines.

5. Strengthen Wi-Fi encryption

With weak encryption, hackers can easily intercept your online activity. There are different types of Wi-Fi protection that secure your transmissions, ensuring that only your devices and router read the signals. However, you should be using WPA2 AES, which is the most substantial level of encryption available. You can change your encryption in your admin console.

Be smart with your networks

Now you know how to easily secure your Wi-Fi network. All of these steps are simple to implement and add security levels to your Wi-Fi networks. Even if you’re not a tech-savvy person, you should still find these steps useful. Need help with securing your networks? Don’t hesitate to reach out and learn how we can keep your data safe and secure.

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