Written by: Jay H.
Airplane Mode disables all wireless connections on your computer, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. While this is helpful for when you’re flying or if you want to save battery power, you’ll need to turn it off if you’re going to connect to wireless networks. If you’ve tried to turn off Airplane Mode and you still can’t connect to networks, don’t fret. Try these steps to fix not being able to turn off Airplane Mode.
Resolve Being Unable To Disable Airplane Mode in Windows
- Press and hold the Windows key, then press the ‘R‘ key.
- In the ‘Run’ application, type devmgmt.msc, then press enter.
- Click the arrow to the left of Human Interface Devices.
- Right-click Airplane Mode Switch Collection, then choose Disable.
- Right-click Airplane Mode Switch Collection, then select Enable.
- Click the arrow to the left of Network adapters.
- Right-click your wireless network adapter (the description should include “wireless”), then select Properties.
- Click the Select Power Management tab and clear the box beside Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.
- Click OK to save changes.
- Restart your computer and try disabling Airplane Mode.
If you still can’t disable Airplane Mode, your device may not have the latest version of the BIOS or wireless drivers installed. Contact us today and we can troubleshoot your device’s problem.
If you need other IT support, we offer remote tech support to connect to your devices from any Internet-connected location. Contact us to resolve tech issues for yourself or your business.
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