Tag: Wordpress



What Is Web Accessibility And Why Is It Important?

Written by: Jay H. Browsing the internet can be extremely difficult or impossible for those with disabilities. Without accessibility enhancers in place, your website may be inaccessible to people with disabilities. Here’s what you need to know about accessibility and how you can improve your website’s accessibility. What Is Web Accessibility? Web accessibility ensures everyone, regardless of their disability, can

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Nearly 30% Of Critical WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities Unpatched

Written by: Jay H. Data breaches are an area of major concern nowadays. Cybercriminals constantly search for new vulnerabilities to exploit and data to steal. However, a shocking report from WordPress security provider PatchStack reveals that nearly 30 percent of flawed WordPress plugins never receive an update. Plugins increasingly vulnerable 2021 experienced a 150 percent increase in the number of

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How To Secure Your WordPress Website

Written by: Jay H. Keeping your WordPress website safe should be a priority for any site owner. Without proper protections in place, your website is vulnerable to hackers, attacks, malware, malfunctions, and other issues. However, you may not know precisely how to improve your site’s security. In this post, we’ll go over some of the ways you can quickly secure

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How To Speed Up Your WordPress Site

If you’re old enough, you may remember the days of dial-up internet and waiting several minutes for your web pages to load. Nowadays, we don’t have that sort of patience and expect our web pages to load immediately, or we’ll click away. To retain visitors, your website needs to be lightning fast. Let’s go over how you can speed up

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Best WordPress Plugins For eCommerce Websites

Written by: Jay H. Creating a WordPress ecommerce website is an easy and effective way to sell products online. And with WordPress’s vast library of plugins, you can add numerous features to your site. But which plugins are crucial for your ecommerce website? Let’s go over the 5 best WordPress plugins for ecommerce websites. Best WordPress Plugins For Ecommerce WooCommerce

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800k WordPress Websites Vulnerable To SEO Plugin Vulnerabilities

Written by: Jay H. Vulnerabilities exposed over 3 million websites using the popular All in One SEO WordPress plugin to takeover attacks by critical vulnerabilities. The plugin’s developers released a security update for the flaws on December 7, 2021; however, over 820,000 websites have not updated the plugin, leaving them vulnerable to crippling attacks. These flaws allow low-level permission roles

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Is Your Business Website Losing Visitors Because Of These Elements?

First impressions are everything when it comes to your business website. If you fail to make a good first impression, visitors will leave your website, and you’ll lose many prospective customers. That’s why having a visually appealing website is a crucial element for any business. To make your business website appealing and help you get more customers, be sure to

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8 Best WordPress Plugins For Your Business Website

Written by: Jay H. WordPress is one of the world’s most popular website builders. This is primarily due to its incredible versatility, including the extensive range of plugins available to add more features to your website. However, with over 58,000 plugins available, sorting through them can be overwhelming. Luckily, there are some sure winners that any WordPress website could benefit

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