Tag: Digital Marketing



How Our Abbotsford Web Hosting Services Can Power Your Website

Written by: Jay H. Amidst the fast-evolving digital landscape, a robust and reliable web hosting service is essential for small and medium businesses looking to thrive online. At Design2Web IT, we take pride in offering 100% managed web hosting solutions that cater to businesses of all sizes. Whether you have a simple website or a complex online platform, our hosting

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What Is Web Accessibility And Why Is It Important?

Written by: Jay H. Browsing the internet can be extremely difficult or impossible for those with disabilities. Without accessibility enhancers in place, your website may be inaccessible to people with disabilities. Here’s what you need to know about accessibility and how you can improve your website’s accessibility. What Is Web Accessibility? Web accessibility ensures everyone, regardless of their disability, can

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How Your Small Business Can Convert Online Prospects

Written by: Jay H. Your small-medium business may be losing out on prospective customers. Your online marketing strategy might be either non-existent or lacking and you’re making it hard for your prospects to convert or even find you. However, don’t fret, as we have actionable steps you can take right now to improve your firm’s online strategy. Let’s go over

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How To List Your Small Business On Google My Business

Written by: Jay H. Gone are the days of relying on websites like TripAdvisor for business recommendations. Now, your search starts and stops with Google, which provides excellent business recommendations based on your search right on the results page. If your business is not listed, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Here’s why you need to register your small business

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Is Your Business Website Losing Visitors Because Of These Elements?

First impressions are everything when it comes to your business website. If you fail to make a good first impression, visitors will leave your website, and you’ll lose many prospective customers. That’s why having a visually appealing website is a crucial element for any business. To make your business website appealing and help you get more customers, be sure to

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5 Online Marketing Methods Proven To Work

Written by: Jay H. The world has gone digital. Online marketing is essential to reach your audience. Need some ideas on ramping up your online marketing efforts? Here are five ways to reach out to your client base through online marketing methods: Webinars A webinar, or web-based seminar, is an online real-time video conference. This event allows participants to join

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