What Are Managed IT Services?


Outstretched hand managed IT services provider concept

Written by: Jay H.

Businesses everywhere depend on technology for daily operations. Everything from computers to phones to networks to servers needs management, or else business operations could grind to a halt if something goes wrong. However, many small-medium businesses do not have the resources to maintain their own IT and turn to a managed IT services provider to do it for them.

What Is A Managed IT Services Provider?

A managed IT services provider (MSP) offers its clients a variety of fully-managed IT services. For instance, an MSP may provide remote computer support, cybersecurity solutions to protect clients from cybercriminals, 24/7 monitoring and management of your devices, data backup and restoration, and much more. IT services providers are an invaluable asset to any organization due to the essential services they provide.

What Are The Benefits Of IT Services?

Managed IT services benefit small-medium businesses in many ways. The main benefits of IT services are:

  1. Cost savings – an MSP provides IT services at a fraction of the cost of an in-house IT team.
  2. 24/7 availability – a proper MSP like Design2Web IT offers 24/7 availability, so they’ll be there for you even if your servers go down at 7:00 AM.
  3. Essential services – Nowadays, your business’ technology cannot be an afterthought. An MSP provides essential services to ensure your IT and business remain up and running, saving you thousands in downtime.
  4. Rapid response – Disaster can strike at any time, so your MSP should be able to respond quickly and provide support for your IT issues.
  5. Proactive instead of reactive – Benjamin Franklin famously said, “An ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention.” By having an MSP proactively handle your IT infrastructure, you save significant costs that occur when IT breaks or something goes wrong by preventing it from happening in the first place.

Managed IT Services From Design2Web IT

If you are considering managed IT services for your organization, Design2Web IT may be the right fit for you. Our fully managed IT services take care of all of your technological needs and ensure your organization doesn’t suffer costly downtime. We are also rated among the best IT providers in Abbotsford and consistently recognized for our excellent service quality. Please contact us today for more information or to request a free consultation.

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